Our mission is to support and promote statewide emergency preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance matters for public and private water and wastewater utilities.

The TnWARN Web site does this by providing its members with emergency planning, response and recovery information before, during and after an emergency.

The TnWARN program provides its member utilities with:

  • A standard omnibus mutual assistance agreement and process for sharing emergency resources among members statewide.
  • The resources to respond and recover more quickly from a disaster.
  • A mutual assistance program consistent with other statewide mutual aid programs.
  • A forum for developing and maintaining emergency contacts and relationships.
  • New ideas from lessons learned in disasters.

Any public or private utility in the State of Tennessee can become a member of TnWARN by completing the Mutual Aid Agreement. This agreement may be found on the Mutual Aid Agreement page.

Information about TnWARN, general resources and the TnWARN Member List is available to the public. Member contacts and the resource database is only available to members.

View TnWARN's Brochure to get more information about members and benefits using TnWARN.

Have a Question about TnWARN? Email us: TNWARN@tnwarn.org

FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE please contact your local emergency management office
or call 24-hour Tennessee Emergency Management Agency(TEMA) number at 1-800-262-3300
